Ultimate “Rich Man” GOLD DIGGER PRANKS – Top 5 Millionaire Pranks 2016

Ultimate “Rich Man” GOLD DIGGER PRANKS – Top 5 Millionaire Pranks 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Ferdous أحمد أحهد

    Bro you should don't do any bad things whit girls you should respect them

  2. 1431 gold diggers dislike this vid

  3. The beat boxer one thats the wingman of the year bro lmao

  4. thats not cool you should have paid for your beer though

  5. The first video the girls are cool and so adorable keep it up girls

  6. júlio césar bhmg


  7. This why people hate woman

  8. So bad those Brits acting. Bah…

  9. Rob is cool. Hahaha…

  10. יונה דרימאני

    very good!

  11. Yui Komori 他のペルソナ

    My best friend date a gold digger before. She only want my best friend MONEY

  12. These women work on my fucken nerves. Don't want to be bothered but as soon as they think the guy has money they demeanor changes. I understand women like money, but its not all about that i want somebody to treat me well also. Money cant compensate for mistreatment or abuse.

  13. Why are using other peoples work without permission ?

  14. Marceline Luberisse

    Oh my godt, oh my godt..😂😂😂

  15. Please please do more where the gold diggers have 2 pay 4 their drinks & dinner thumbs up if you want these ones please!!! Hi from Australia

  16. The beat boxer kid looks like a grown child

  17. Her names nothing

  18. 👍👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  19. Money money give me money!

  20. 🍎📱看美女露点私㊙️视频➕微信bckjyl📷📷📷体工大队红红火火

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