Best of JALALS pranks Compilation

Best of JALALS pranks Compilation

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Everybody fal

  2. bacon_smasher 78

    If i see anyone trying to commite suicide i would help them

  3. i love the suicide prank

  4. People could hurt themselves and then sue ya.
    But notice how the boyfriends run off and leave their girl?  WIMPS

  5. It will be funny when someone pulls a gun and pops his ass

  6. I hate the suicide part that’s so messed up people are being nice and that’s how you treat them back

  7. The Clown is the best them all

  8. Noun of this is funny! STOP you are hurting people..

  9. idk but every time i heard aluhakbar sounds like terrorist….

  10. 1:10 1 like EQUALS 1 less day in prison

  11. 6:12 bitch u in heels

  12. 😂😂 I loved it

  13. 0;34 they were mistake so now she could finally get rid of em xD

  14. you just break the there hearts and they are just kids asshole not you aasim its jalals

  15. 4:21 isint funny bad joke

  16. 6:05 i bet she left him after that lol…!

  17. These are not funny at all… this is exactly why people do not bother to help when they really should. Because of assholes like this one. On behalf of all the nice people there are all over the world, fuck you.

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