Worst Cheating Bastards – Best of Just for Laughs Gags

Worst Cheating Bastards – Best of Just for Laughs Gags

- in Just For Laugh



  1. vincent gnanaraja

    1:07 good guy

  2. عضضضثضضضف

  3. Elisalem Bautista

    is that real the kiss the guy and the guy when they were getting married so the boy was cheating on her

  4. Francisco Javier Bermúdez

    jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja ce risa

  5. My fav one was when the guy was like ummmmmmm and was like an sure his okay grandma ……

  6. eww there gay

  7. Love your videos :)

  8. Hyromhienicole Opalla


  9. Denis looks like a priest lol

  10. ………..

  11. that so funny

  12. Doesn't 2111

  13. Jennifer the gamer

    Eww are they acting or Wut?!!?

  14. that was stupid… (if you say im stupid back…)

  15. notice how they always make the guys cheaters and not the girls #sexist

  16. Take a look at this video on YouTube:

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