Ultimate Public Bomb Pranks – Funny Terrorist Pranks Compilation – Funny Videos 2016

Ultimate Public Bomb Pranks – Funny Terrorist Pranks Compilation – Funny Videos 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. first time I laughed in a month

  2. fake

  3. lol 2:02

  4. OMG dudes the music and the "Run" makes it 10X more awsome

  5. i have never laugch like that 😂

  6. Now I know how to hijack a car

  7. 1:50
    Fly XD

  8. RUN !

  9. fake as fuck

  10. Stephanie Galvan


  11. you are a fuking ginius

  12. where is it ? UK ?

  13. also hurt Islam community. why you do create a complication for Islam community .

  14. its very bad prank.. everyone hurt. think if anyone loses himself to live by the car accident. it's wrong . should take legal action against them.

  15. amazingggg

  16. FAKE AF

  17. The guy in the toilet is me when I remember I have. A test

  18. That is bad cuss if their moble phone and wallets would be wet if they jump into water and they could also die even it wouldn't be drivers fault but still it is really funny but u should be careful u mind injure someone just in prank they can die …

  19. What the hell is this prank?that's n't the way to make prank

  20. I laughed, laughed, and laughed. Thank you!!!

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