Ultimate Bomb Pranks Compilation – Terrorist Public Pranks – Funny Videos 2016

Ultimate Bomb Pranks Compilation – Terrorist Public Pranks – Funny Videos 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. dont say that 'dont judge a book by its cover' this has crossed the limit.

  2. Minecraft LavaIce

    This is sooooo good u have a new subscriber

  3. fucking muslim.

  4. idiot

  5. I suggest people not to play such pranks due to obvious reasons.
    Imagine that such a guy is running and cops nearby opens fire on him
    thinking that he is a real terrorist. So such pranks should be avoided at all.

  6. whether you like it or not.. the religion of Islam is innocent and respect and true religion in this world..
    and the media are big lier and big tirorist….

  7. Seanokeng Lefebvre

    So, the lesson is if someone is not wearing exclusive muslim clothing and still drop a bag, then they are hardly not dangerous nor are they terrorist.

  8. Anybody know the name of the intro song and who it's by ?

  9. do you want to get shot? because that's how

  10. yea this is shit

  11. You are making the religion sound bad, it is the opposite of "We are all as one"

  12. serena ssgss (vegito ssgss)

    nigga at 4:17 did not give a shit about his daughter

  13. Alexandria Chapman

    5:34 tho 😂😂

  14. lmfaooooooooooooo


  16. Bleach is Life

  17. no my name is jeffrey

    don't judge a book by it's cover but you can't dress like a normal white guy for a bomb prank 😁😁😁

  18. no my name is jeffrey

    4:18 the nigga pushed his daughter 😂

  19. i bet half of the people who got pranked on this video is watching mad asf rn

  20. Heather Cameron


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