Try Not to Laugh Funny Kids Fails Jan 2019 | Best Kids Fails Video

Try Not to Laugh Funny Kids Fails Jan 2019 | Best Kids Fails Video

- in Funny Video



  1. Sydney Cleaveland

    Kids getting hurt is not funny

  2. Valeria Calderón

    Jajajajajaja jajajajajajaja

  3. Mateo Franco

    Ufhunfudnfudfnhdf hxmfd fudge ud g

  4. This is not funny at all and these people got to
    Chill from hurting themselves

  5. i love you

  6. Altaf Hussain

    Never mind I feel even more bad for the kid in the 3rd clip

  7. Nataliya Poedinok

    I am sick I have a blocked nose

    And guess what??

    At 1:26 all of my nosy came out 😂😂😂

  8. Cheryl Marks

    These cannot make me laugh

  9. Naqueenza Revandia

    I love it is so really funny

  10. Altaf Hussain

    I actually feel bad for the kid in the 2nd clip

  11. Глеб Ахматов

    Вы что специально над детями. Издиваитись

  12. Hi

  13. 0:19 when you attack a trash can 😂😂😂

  14. Lizette Valenzuela

    Jajajaja 🙄🤣

  15. funny

  16. NO NO😭

  17. HE O

  18. 1:49 when my mom comes in with the belt

  19. 3:32 what happened with the prince? Cinderella hit the prince’s Face😱

  20. I wasn’t laughing at all

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