Top 5 Funniest Gold Digger Pranks 2017

Top 5 Funniest Gold Digger Pranks 2017

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Gebriel Fseha

    bkck nic

  2. Coolsubdude YT

    Hey nice video .Nice back round music

  3. It’s rare that cute girls ask guys so of course we gonna say hell yea

  4. fuck them hard in car then give them a gold digger award

  5. OMG all girl only take money

  6. Henry Ramirez

    This is a not a gold digger prank they suck

  7. The heck

  8. i dont understand y people are judging the guys who ride with the gal.

  9. first she wont talk hen she s the car she starts talking

  10. They were forced by law to blur the dollar signs out of the 2nd girl's eyes

  11. love the humiliation when there pussys are turned down .

  12. I love these videos stupid bitches I would leave them in the middle of no we're ha

  13. ichiban2point0

    High end hooker?

  14. Don Henry Stoddard

    If its real dn u should show d grl face

  15. Don Henry Stoddard

    Its fake man

  16. MikeTheMGTOW Monk

    Be Gone Thot

  17. Ok seriously its not even a good social experiment if a hot girl asks a guy to go for a ride in a lambo what guy is going to say no i would rather go for a ride in a 2018 f350 platinum edition modded

  18. hand her a potential weapon..long stick with metal end..LOL

  19. freakin' airhead..IQ 80 if lucky? trying to bleach the black hair to orange must burn brain cells?

  20. If I were a chick I wouldn't just go with some a-hole who approaches me on the street

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