Top 3 Gold Digger Pranks August 2016 (GONE WRONG) Gold Diggers Exposed Compilation

Top 3 Gold Digger Pranks August 2016 (GONE WRONG) Gold Diggers Exposed Compilation

- in Funny Pranks



  1. "That's a f***** drawing"*

  2. dank memos Dettelbach


  3. Lol this is so funny 😂

  4. Udy looked fine before he met leslie

  5. The secound one wtf he was struggling to stay on it😂😂

  6. Demonte Woodson

    the first 1 was a gold digger the 2 one was not the 3 one was

  7. Okay I understand that it is extremely wrong for someone to be attracted to the money, but giving the girl a shovel is also wrong. It pisses me off when people give them a shovel and stuff because they are human. Men or people that do these pranks act like it’s only the girls fault but have you noticed how they only go for the pretty ones. So what? Girls like money, men like beauty. Everyone’s at fault

  8. Adonis Perez 1129

    The white american girls are maa gold diggers put hispanic woman are loyal

  9. This prank is cool

  10. Copyright

  11. Denice De La Paz

    Omg at the end of the video lol 😂

  12. it kills me y'all approach theses girl Soo weirdly of course she's gonna say no

  13. batgamingYT gaming,pranks,vlogs

    Lol these are crazy

  14. That's just disrepct full even if she is a gold digger 😒😒

  15. 1:28 though his shovel broke

  16. Sadye Tvinnereim

    Woooooooooooooooooooooow GOOD DIGGERS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW

  17. What's has gone wrong in this video ?

  18. Women love money more than Heaven

  19. I laugh when video Start Lol

  20. Andrew Harris

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