Top 10 Funny Baby Videos 2015

Top 10 Funny Baby Videos 2015

- in Funny Video



  1. Babies are so cute!!!!

  2. awesome girlygirl


  3. Claudia Aguirre


  4. so dang cute

  5. ana rebeca costa onofre

    que lindos

  6. 30 min. ago i was searchng vids of miley and ended up here

  7. ganesh naik (funny video)

  8. EPIC Killer13579 (2nd son of Oryx)

    the 2nd one was real cute, the baby seeing himself in the mirror and falling over XD

  9. Dora Alicia Maravilla Reyes

    muy tiernos los bebes.

  10. Funny baby are not that funny

  11. Lily_pegasus_xxx

    2:12 needs to lose some weight

  12. callin sattiewhite


    Coming to life of another’s will,
    I scream while drenched, everyone is still.
    This mucky liquid is thick and making me sick,
    as I lie confused while handled by these two.
    Now that they’ve caught me,
    something soft touches against me,
    rubbing off the warm mucky liquid,
    everyone makes the same sound: "SSSSSSHHHHHHH."
    Shivering in confusion,
    I wish to return within, for I did not want this.
    All of them look the same,
    and I in shame stick out as a stain
    though no longer pain in me remains.
    Each of them hand me to the next
    as my heart is wretched at the pit of my chest,
    for I am cognizant that my fall could be a mess.
    Liquid returns as their presence becomes blurred,
    and though I stir and fuss, with them; this is never enough.
    Instead they handle me, clearing
    my vision as they wipe me clean.
    What has worth? Skip this birth,
    it’d have been better I’d not come to Earth.

    Conscious of her consciousness,
    her subconscious must be marvelous.
    Thoughts nonverbal in her new life,
    immedicable and terminal,
    ones conscious must be
    when pulled from the mother’s thermal.
    No longer idle, the child now panics,
    like would if in the Nile’s basket.
    We all smile as the child screams,
    once awaken from an intuitive dream.
    State of conscious and exterior ontogenesis,
    looks transformed, a state of metamorphosis.
    Unblemished and pure, the strongest attempt this here,
    for as I come near, she makes it explicitly clear,
    she does not want me near, as if she did not want to come here.


    iiiiii luuuuvvv babies…….so cute….

  14. Some of the baby were fat lol ????

  15. That is very funny

  16. Gas berry funy

  17. owah… nice…. have a look on my chennel….. hope u find some new…… pranks…

  18. so damn funny

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