Top 10 Funniest Scare Pranks [2016]

Top 10 Funniest Scare Pranks [2016]

- in Funny Pranks



  1. The one with naked girl in shower is fake.

  2. Shata fakaaaaaa


    I bet the frog is death from those little faggots screaming their heads off!

  4. Something Iwont

    it made me laugh so hard

  5. The first one was a fucking Dick hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhhahahh

  6. that freaking kid is scared of a frog

  7. scary

  8. I hate being scared. I watch these so I can see someone getting smacked. If you mess with people you cant be surprised if someone hits you.

  9. Kisslyn Joseph (Scarletta)

    I thought the first one wqs funny. my dad and stepdad does stuff like this all the time on both my family sides.
    they'd scare me with lizards and throw them on me, or a roach….. :c and I laughed it off

  10. Californian Freaks

    Am I the only one not bothered by the frog prank? Some of you need to chill. Ppl acting like one harmless prank makes him a terrible father. Idk maybe it's just me. My family likes to have fun

  11. why would u bath in a a swim suit also with two girls? like this of u think that too

  12. wtf?! There's a dildo in the shower @6:24

  13. Any Indian here who watched the three ghost sisters scare and laughed at 10:09?
    "watch me whip (my hair)" ..and Karma "gotcha" ! hahaha 😀 The curse though !


  15. They're all funny until it happens to you, but isn't that the fun in being pranked?

  16. You're not a father, you're ill bitch, who didn't deserve those good kids and must be restricted in parental rights immediately.

  17. 7:40 I wouldn't be scared of that nigga wearing flip flops with socks😂😂😂😂

  18. The trunk prank wasn't even that good.

  19. This was beyond funny

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