One Of The Funniest Comedy Sketches Of All Time

One Of The Funniest Comedy Sketches Of All Time

- in Humor Funny



  1. I didn't see that coming. Haha

  2. brillant

  3. That was hilarious… lmao.

  4. Lol I enjoyed that. Not seen this show before!

  5. begendinizi ogtenmek istiyorum

  6. Cafe owner put the bill there to increase income

  7. very funny :)

  8. Awesome! :-D

  9. wow super ,

  10. naughtyblonde69er

    The old cafe by Ruislip lido , the good old days

  11. did not see that comeing   , nice one

  12. simple but some how brilliant.

  13. ‫רעיה אמוצקין‬‎


  14. Christopher Arruda

    This wasn't that funny. Mildly humorous at best. You must be amused easily.

  15. hmm good …only funny thing at the end..

  16. lol Brings back happy memories, I could'nt remember the end until it happened, very funny.

  17. Predictable.

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