Hilarious,Best of Just For Laughs – TOP Police Pranks HD

Hilarious,Best of Just For Laughs – TOP Police Pranks HD

- in Just For Laugh



  1. @Isaiah Chavez

    Um no it doesn't

  2. 14:26 be like: What the F***

  3. So funny 

  4. Notice how almost every prank has the same victims
    Cough act

  5. görkem sinirlioğlu

    4:26 Music?

  6. Hehehee….

  7. Police pranks are the best!!! This video needs 10x more viewers!

  8. I was disappointed by just for laughs, if you pay attention at 5:54 and 12:25 it's the same woman, but in different jokes, this makes me think that just for laughs is false

  9. Slavin Ragnavoire

    look at the exchange car number

  10. Carlos Alejandro

    what is the song of  04:45

  11. This is just for laughs.

  12. 5:37 that face

  13. Hilarious,Best of Just For Laughs – TOP Police Pr… : http://youtu.be/RFFy_S7IqeM

  14. cop car very good 1

  15. hhhhhhhh 

  16. its worth the time, hahaha..

  17. Very funny

  18. fernanda valenzuela


  19. TheAndersand2500

    "oh shit a cop has been shot, lets send everything exept for what he needs, a fucking ambulance…"

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