Hilarious Funny and Scary Pranks Compilation 2015

Hilarious Funny and Scary Pranks Compilation 2015

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Just people humping each other

  2. How come no one is carrying a concealed weapon. Especially with that chainsaw-amputee-prank a CCW Glock 43 would have done the job pretty well.

  3. dat first one thou

  4. Serryn Treglown

    was it fake money

  5. at the end the prank guy says be careful but the guy in the blue shirt falls down lmao

  6. At 6:10 the boy screamed like a girl Like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I was like 😂😂😂 laughing my head of

  7. How Did they do that mutilated body prank, looked pretty realistic

  8. panathanatos 90

    why they get mad with the "buzz" what is buzz??? i'm not from america and i don't know what it means


    black people chill, damn

  10. 6:08 omg I'm crying😂😂😂😂

  11. I dont understand why men think this is okay😭

  12. The guy with the chainsaw prank at the car park really creeps me out.

  13. purple berry art

    omg lol

  14. in the end he said becareful and he fall

  15. Look how much ppl want that money

  16. Jerico Biermann

    FUckin Perverts. I wonder how many times you got your asses kicked.

  17. "im an idiot? why am i an idiot?"
    "thats because you're wearing a sponge bob hat while masturbating the nose"

  18. 4.59 Fousey Logic: Take off mask = Everything is gonna be ok

  19. cool!

  20. he screamed like a little bitch 😂😂

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