Funny Videos – Scare Pranks – Funny Epic Fail Videos – Funny Best Videos

Funny Videos – Scare Pranks – Funny Epic Fail Videos – Funny Best Videos

- in Funny Pranks



  1. This should be illegal. Some people don't have the health to go through this.

  2. 5:05 he had a seizure

  3. So… What the deal of those Thai women scene? To prove that your thumbnail is not a bait-click because it's really in the video?

  4. lol wish i could do these

  5. how

  6. These types of shenanigans would more than likely get someone killed here in the US.

  7. 6 mil views 963comments….

  8. XXX

  9. Hacnilan Yiapowher

    4:29 > 4:40 i wonder what's the name of that movie??

  10. 4:26 thank me later

  11. So horror movies aren't so far fetched. People do fall over all the time!

  12. Akhtar's Productions


  13. It's just a plague doctor coming to heal you..

  14. You should do more where you pants the same guy twice hands down

  15. Why do women scream so goddamn much?

  16. So for real though. 90% of these are fake, or people would be stabbed or pepper sprayed.

  17. Where can i see the full version each of those videos??

  18. to funny

  19. u scare pranksters r so lucky that the pranked do not have a gun

  20. christopher dunn


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