Funny road accidents,Funny Videos, Funny People, Funny Clips, Epic Funny Videos Part 28

Funny road accidents,Funny Videos, Funny People, Funny Clips, Epic Funny Videos Part 28

- in Funny Video



  1. 1:28 needs to get shot by cops, or just die somehow.

  2. bjfid?hrvugghjtfhkiizfbkk@^`¤₩`¡¤[~`¤]♥[`》¤`《€£~¤♡♥♥]][}{{{><<==÷÷÷÷+°○••□□□■◇◆♣♣★♧☆☆←←←↓↑↑◀◀▶▼▼▲:O:'(:-(:-)!/:&*75$▪:-);-):-D:-D:-(:'(:'(:O:O"&$^;"–!!@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1133224455667788990177878800000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!€€€€€!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. car?!!!!

  4. CAR

  5. 8:59 That is one overcrowded cemetery!

  6. it was not funny vedio

  7. Gamdaaa

  8. How are these funny they could of died

  9. Sakaria Abdullahi

    not funny

  10. Hi

  11. i russi sono proprio dei mongoloidi

  12. 00:36 he was following his GPS lmao

  13. Hyundai Moto and Kia Motors
    leader of sudden unintended acceleration
    Never not choose vehicle
    Eventually to the customer's mistake.

  14. michira khami te ti arec akhade me hai pelhel vasn

  15. Max Moser (aMAXproduction)

    One large truck rolling towards another large truck? Better get in between them and try to push it away!

  16. The guy at 06:04 deserves to be a contender for a Darwin Award as who would use their chest to try to stop a lorry from rolling into another one? Let me see, the increasing pain will eventually alert him to how bad an idea it was but by that stage it will be too late as he'll be crushed between the vehicless and unable to move.

    I wonder if the companys 'Transport Manager' saw this clip and had him fired?

  17. My birthday is next month. Like if you don't care.

  18. azrelbatman Plays Games

    I don't get 2:24

  19. ‫احمد الموسوي‬‎

    احلة شي عجبني رجل الطفاء الي يطير بل الماء


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