FUNNIEST NAMES ON FACEBOOK IN LYRICS | Song Lyric Prank Compilation 2016

FUNNIEST NAMES ON FACEBOOK IN LYRICS | Song Lyric Prank Compilation 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Make sure to subscribe to see more funny content! 🙂 For those who already subscribed then thank you so much it really means a lot to me! :')

  2. Good playlist 👍.

  3. Im romanian

  4. Omg lmfao

  5. So Hilarious I could not stop laughing and dad came to investigate !!!

  6. When it was who let the dogs out my brother plays ice hockey and that’s his team song so he just came into my room shouting it and stuff😂

  7. HAHA! these got me nice job you got a new subscriber well done idk but I laughed so hard at this make a new one of these vids please😊😀

  8. Kata Gacha_PlayzCZ

    2:15 what's the bane of the song? Btw love this 👌😂

  9. 1:08 kill me

  10. Unicorns with rainbows and me

    I know this guy and his name is seasaw

  11. Your IQ is How much i Have Likes Like comment To have higher iq

  12. 😂😂😂

  13. I see romanian and sheet,i press the like button ^^


  15. Like this to turn 5 years old

  16. i slap my computer screen directly to the like button but it didn't work and also the subscribe button. anyway 2019!!

  17. christina papageorgioy

    That's mean

  18. lol Jun_iper_tree

    My Gosh . This is so good!

  19. ItsMoonCraft !!!!!!!

    I like the crazy frog and shawn mendes one

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