Cute cat loves baby – from funny and cute cats and babies collection

Cute cat loves baby – from funny and cute cats and babies collection

- in Funny Video



  1. 😍😍😍

  2. why they disliking????

  3. Lpscatlover101 kitkat

    this is so cute and emotional😢

  4. The video and the music are so perfect for this moment. They are so lovely!!!

  5. 哦我



  7. This is so sweet! I love how gentle the cat is with the baby. Even when the baby grabs the cat's face the cat doesn't try to claw it or anything :)

  8. a pint sized hooman? best day evar

  9. cute but dangerous. cats carry virus and bacteria. exposing an infant to that could be fatal

  10. Aww I miss my cat we also use to cuddle 🙁 I had her when I was 4

  11. Konrad Stolzerfaust

    Norwegian forest cat?

  12. Love the video, but it really ticks me off when people add music to their videos without crediting the artist. So since you were too lazy/ignorant to support the artist that is responsible for this great song, for everyone else the song is called "Last Kiss Goodnight" by Kevin Macleod

  13. what a lovely kitty

  14. Ahh Damn it!! So yeah I love this stuff. After this I had to go get my 23lb kitty and hold him and kiss him and spank his bottom and give him snacks. Animals is like Kryptonite to me. I'll be the first to admit animals are the best!!! : ))

  15. A lot of cats do that cuz baby's smell like milk to cats

  16. Not a good idea… cats can turn instantly.
    A well trained/raised dog or husky is the best form of child protection, cats CAN'T really be trained.
    All it would take is one wrong move and the car would strike… The dog/husky would not

  17. cute

  18. dam i lost my ball when see this :(

  19. gamerXD the gamer

    oh no why did I watch this my eye NOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY EYE IS FULL WITH RAMBOWS

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