Cute Baby Goats – A Cute And Funny Baby Goats Compilation || NEW HD

Cute Baby Goats – A Cute And Funny Baby Goats Compilation || NEW HD

- in Funny Video



  1. livingthehardlife

    2916 muslims disliked this video

  2. máté Kerekes

    I can see now why muslims in love with this cute creatures.

  3. what's the music at the star???

  4. The life I want to live

  5. Tiffany Gonzalez

    asriel is here

  6. pobres chivitos tienen hambre ……..como es el humano …que se burla del hambre de estos chivitos !!!

  7. the adorble papyrus the human girl

    soo adorble

  8. Lps-monster-cakes 13

    Baby goats ATTACK 🐮🐐

  9. baby goats adorable! !!!!

  10. I love goats…with curry!

  11. These goats have no boundaries.

  12. Don't know why they have so many….but that LAST CLIP IS THE GREATEST 20 seconds YOUTUBE! hahahahaha

  13. I wanna make curry goat out of them

  14. GodIsAll AllIsGod

    omg I so luv this awww lol.

  15. dotelotoni duke qeshur

  16. cant forget my madness for baby goats.. used to kiss on their flat cheeks.. and specially loved to watch when they shit out minstreals from back

  17. omg… look exactly like my sister in laws.

  18. sanush santhosh

    goat good

  19. their meet very delicious specially the small ones.

  20. I hope they're not being kept by Jews they'll butcher that kosher goat.

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