Chinese funny videos – Prank chinese 2016 #5

Chinese funny videos – Prank chinese 2016 #5

- in Funny Pranks



  1. ANUP Majumdar

  2. fake prank

  3. 中国被这些北方满族狗弄的乌烟瘴气。海外华人千万不要学。

  4. sudinanto pratama


  5. çok komik deme beylerr

  6. 😂😂😂😂😝

  7. Antonette Tabuso

    i know its fake but its too funny right

  8. funny

  9. thanks for doing this video dude

  10. Maximilian Schnorr

    all pranks arefake pranks but its funny

  11. vry funny..

  12. Abdinasir jr abdi

    I like this because is so fun

  13. 4:35 is the funniest 😂😂

  14. Nice Video

  15. Does anyone have a link to the original Facebook or Vine channel?

  16. Nathan amber david


  17. hahahahahahahah soooo funny

  18. Awesome funny

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