Best of Public Transportation – Best of Just for Laughs Gags

Best of Public Transportation – Best of Just for Laughs Gags

- in Laugh For Gags



  1. Beker Rodriguez

    just for laughs can you do part 2?

  2. Highway to hell LOL

  3. love the jungle book background music

  4. 1:19 zlatan Ibrahimovic?

  5. Annoing kids

  6. so the old man went to hell? lol

  7. HOLY SHITTT, That last prank was hilarious xD I lost it at the waving and 'Highway to hell'!!!

  8. 9:10 DAMN she is super hot

  9. Isnt that first song a weird remake of Love Stereo ?

  10. Beautiful.
    Me gusto.

  11. ‫حبيب الروح‬‎


  12. ‫حبيب الروح‬‎


  13. C'est la réaction des gens qui…

  14. 7:50 – So many people were late because of this prank ;P

  15. Jakailah Deloach

    how did I get here from MSP?

  16. the last is the BEST,, highway to hell ejejeje

  17. Dang grandma's gun op

  18. The red stone sword

    Funny it's. Video ever

  19. Alfred Villegas

    5:14 "sh*t"

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