Best Funny Videos

Best Funny Videos

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  1. very nice

  2. novamansion marvel

    My favourite is the bear and the superman.

  3. novamansion marvel

    Some of it was just stupid.

  4. novamansion marvel

    Love it! Awesome funny videos!

  5. Hi

  6. Funny

  7. 4:47 So that's how you get your hedges so evenly trimmed. LOL. More LOL at

  8. ha ha ha

  9. you are sick when you like these 'funny' videos. take for example the video at 1:08. this is no funny blooper, this is a serious accident. seven people got injured and some of them got run over by the cart. what's wrong with people liking this?

  10. 9:11 was hallarious

  11. Anestis Mazarakis

    se ola ta vids kai kati eliniko

  12. When the girl wants the D

  13. Lol

  14. funnyest shit ever

  15. I bet a ton of these people were killed

  16. That animal encounter where he yelled at the animal was awesome

  17. 7:00 OOOOW there go the legs!

  18. 4:00 that happened to me long ago except I survived

  19. 2:43 forsure dead tho

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