Best BAIT PRANKS Compilation – Funny Pranks 2016

Best BAIT PRANKS Compilation – Funny Pranks 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Fazjonathan1031

    The fight at 9:16 was EPIC

  2. Hey! Thats my fuckin bike dude!

  3. African SilverBack

    i can help feel the reaction of these guys going into the car is fake???

  4. the last clip thay beat that guys ass

  5. Lmao that stupid mother fucker that walked away at 9:58

  6. 8:27 Feel sorry for her/him but (s)he deserves it

  7. wtf how they just sit in the car like that ?? if its not yourss dontt sitt in it if that was at my side i will leave it just walk away

  8. It's look like steal in America is legal :/

  9. Now before anyone says she tried to steal it let me say this. She is old and fragile,could've easily got herself killed and these people would've been put in jail. Old people are people too but they need more attention and care then a healthy 20 to 30 year old

  10. he got nok out

  11. the first one was fake

  12. Where the hell do you work to get a car like that dam

  13. i would have drove from the other seat or sat on my shirt

  14. maciek staszak

    how long did it take you to make the first video? "prankster"

  15. I mean these ppl are taking pictures and selfies of the car that they're "trying to steal", that's retarted

  16. he was borrowing it

  17. hella fake!

  18. Era una pelea de verdad ?????

  19. Minhas Musicas

    They are not necessarily going to steal the car just because the enter it.


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