Bait McLaren Prank – Electric Bait Car

Bait McLaren Prank – Electric Bait Car

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Blue MagmaCube

    0:59 talk about a mid life crisis

  2. why the old people

  3. What the heck?
    I can't believe people actually get in the car…

  4. make these more please.

  5. Ok I will like and subscribe I am going to tell all my friends to do it I hope you have a wonderful day🙂

  6. These guys are thinking they can pick up girls with it but SHOCK🤣

  7. rafael chiara

    You are very wealthy.

  8. I like Anthony's Jersey

  9. Oh yeah, steal a lime green McLaren…SURELY that won't attract attention.

    People are disgusting. This whole thieving mindset should be destroyed, if only it were possible to do legally.

  10. They are all idiots

  11. hiw did no one see the wires on the seat

  12. hiw did no one see the wires on the seat

  13. Alex Garcia-Anaya

    why does he look like FaZe Apex

  14. BlasterCrafter 13

    I think some of them just wanted to sit just like that to see how it feels to be in McLaren…

  15. Avery Hartman

    What type of mclaren in it

  16. Frederick Marvell

    what a nice fucking McLaren i love that car unfortunately its shocking :'v

  17. wait why do we humans even have shock collars for dogs….

  18. ghetto ass people

  19. that would of Ben more funny if no 1 gave a s*** that thay a being shocked and just took off with the car

  20. Jackthecool 1111

    Lol hobos what would they even do with it

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