Epic Scare Prank Extra Scary pranks of May 2016 Top Funny Videos All Time Best Scare Pranks 2016 Y

Epic Scare Prank Extra Scary pranks of May 2016 Top Funny Videos All Time Best Scare Pranks 2016 Y

- in Funny Pranks



  1. The world is full of spoiled brat punks who take no responsibility for their actions. This is a clear example. Many of those lowlifes are making comments on this video because they have no respect for others or themselves. It's time they are dealt with, not tolerated.

  2. Some are pranks, some are criminal assaults. Chasing someone in a car with an axe, for example. Also, this kind of crap causes heart attacks. it's irresponsible and should not be encouraged.

  3. 4:00 she gotsome big lungs :)

  4. Camera is moving on subway. fake

  5. 8:27 what is on her head?

  6. Nahira Ayelen Caballero Ruiz


  7. Ross Santi Sambitan

    wavey heavy Shockley doll

  8. it's funny until someone dies from a heart attack or get shot

  9. Omg 😲

  10. did they really hurt them

  11. 4:05 She almost deflates a tit of so much scream

  12. the zombie ones I would cry and scream at them, the clown ones I would yell…words, and stuff running after you I would wack them in the face, and last chucky and his friends well I would do the same as that guy did get in the car and drive away.

  13. Man this is great so funny the part that really got me was the elevator monster guy threw the phone and ran

  14. 9:16 Did he really just kick a balloon at the clown who was coming to kill him?

  15. bosslady-ivy jarvis

    its bound to happen but nothing beats a jump scare.. until u cross someone like me whos ready for it

  16. Rustygrouch JeromeTV/RJTV


  17. Meeka Gemma Eistetter

    or she was dislocated

  18. Meeka Gemma Eistetter

    she had someone in her dress with her
    in that case one girl put her head down while the other girl was facing towards her back
    it's obvious guys

  19. oh my g

  20. عناد العجرمي

    10:1 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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