Changing TOILET Signs (Bathroom Prank Gone Wrong)

Changing TOILET Signs (Bathroom Prank Gone Wrong)

- in Funny Pranks



  1. You suck

  2. Barbatos DoesAnything

    This is lit yet regret is feeling like a bucket of ice cold water being poured over me.

  3. i don't get it……some old guy came in and took a piss on some wankers…?…………this shit happens every day..!!!…………

  4. You can tell this channel is cancer because of the annotations.

  5. This is so stupid.

  6. Wow, that was really immature.

  7. Wtf is wrong with the camera man?

  8. your really kind of ….. Stupid

  9. Musaddak Hossain

    that's not nice

  10. You can get in prisen

  11. whats his intro song

  12. that's just stupid as you're freakin face

  13. I would slap you if you did that to me

  14. You guys are idiots

  15. these guys seem like total shit heads

  16. i feel bad for the one at 2:54🙁 his face and i have a heart thats why i feel bad

  17. XxDESTblackout X


  18. XxDESTblackout X


  19. I would've stayed in and and hid in a stall that had an out of order sign on it and start recording some beautiful girls pissing and shitting.

  20. yea im still waitin to watch something funny tho

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