[NEW] FUNNY VIDEOS 2016| Top 10 Funny Elevator Pranks| VERY FUNNY must see NOW!!!!!

[NEW] FUNNY VIDEOS 2016| Top 10 Funny Elevator Pranks| VERY FUNNY must see NOW!!!!!

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Not 2016, infact some even from 2010!

  2. that girl's scream LOL

  3. Я русский

  4. haha really funny

  5. bub

  6. Mulleteer “1970's Alien” Chakra

    Best video on what elevators were MEANT to be.

  7. The first one is romanian

  8. what hellowin

  9. what a fucking waste of time…

  10. Wow.I Said Hi And I Never Got Noticed.

  11. what is the name of the outro

  12. Couldnt any of you guys add a subtitles in english?

  13. 10:53 Who else wanted to hear the rest of the song?

  14. the pic for this vid shows a guy and a "shark". where is that one?… I wanna see it. DX

  15. Fideria Jeseline

    The couple that danced in the elevator killed it 😂😂

  16. Lil Puddin Tater

    Did people seriously believe that that thing was a bomb? How gullible do you have to be?

  17. hahaha

  18. the best song ever

  19. What was the song on beginning?

  20. I have a TON to say here because I think I respect tigers the MOST of all of humanity.

    I wouldn't be scared of a tiger with a leash around it. Just a big cat is all I'd think. Most tigers in first world countries are somewhat tamed by their tamers. So it wouldn't freak me out at all. My favorite animal is the tiger and I swear it wouldn't phase me to see that. I am just nuts enough that if I saw a tiger or lion or even a wolf or a bear in an elevator lobby I would just guess it right away, someone was trying failingly to prank me. I would show no fear of such creatures because such creatures have been tamed before by man and in the case especially of the wolf such creatures DEPEND on man just as assuredly as dogs do. These animals are not dumb. They know the hand that feeds them and that CAN feed them and they don't idly devour that hand willy-nilly. I'd just go "oh great… someone tied up a big cat" and walk casually out of there. Show no fear and likely the cat won't bother you. Why? For one thing, if you ARE being pranked they tied up that big cat for a reason – to protect you. Otherwise, guess what? Lawsuit from your next of kin. Why? Because humans are not the natural prey of big cats… and if they are… like rogue sharks, they're sadly killed to stop that behavior. No. That wouldn't scare me. Now a wolverine or a skunk is another matter. Those I wouldn't go near with a ten foot pole ever. Now you prank someone with a wild wolverine and I'd laugh my butt off for sure. Wolverines will try to instinctively kill anything and everything that moves because they only care about their own survival. Big cats… calm little puppies if they've been in a first world society to be tamed as such they are. Only dangerous if they play too rough with you and get out of hand not knowing their own strength and power. Wolverines, oh god no. There's no taming that bunch and skunks? Forget about it. People are just going to go nuts trying to get away from a skunk for sure.

    The tiger was tied up. ANY and all of those people could have EASILY snuck out sidways into the lobby and beyond without harm and everyone watching this video knows it. No one had to freaking fear the wild animal was going to break free from its leash. Don't try and tell me that. It was never a direct threat AND… for this to be a REAL prank, the owner(s) would have FED the big cat to begin with. Given it a great BIG thanksgiving type meal so that it wouldn't be hungry at all. Never the less… the prank was irresponsible TO the tiger.

    Now on the other hand, if such a wild animal DID devour a human in such a prank it WOULD be put down dead and everyone in the world knows it for a solid fact. So in that regards, SHAME on you for putting these animals at risk like that of their own lives. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for doing this sort of thing knowing that if the tiger DID attack it would have been killed later on. These are not animals to be played games with like this. These are animals to be respected fully for their lives are worth at least as much as our own lives in that lives like these are not to be toyed with lightly. So stop pranking people with wild mammals because all mammals should be on equal terms with US. I swear, if I EVER see a tiger prank like this again I am going to complain to ALL animal rights activist groups. It's NOT funny because you are putting the life of the tiger at true risk here. So STOP it and how DARE you to begin with in doing this? Have you no heart at all for all our great creatures of this earth?

    I am not even kidding here. I am more concerned for the respect and livlihood of the tiger than of any human being here on earth. If you want to befriend a tiger and truly know a tiger you will NOT risk that tiger's death over a pitiful human being EVER. So STOP it. It's not funny, it's not right and it needs to end. You are NOT respecting tigers by putting their own lives up for these sorts of irresponsible pranks.

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