Dogs just don’t want to bath – Funny dog bathing compilation

Dogs just don’t want to bath – Funny dog bathing compilation

- in Funny Video



  1. i have the same problem with my dog

  2. Stella Quiñonez

    q malo q sos

  3. Charles Cloninger

    A growling, snarling dog that is threatening to bite it's owner if it tries to give it a bath isn't funny. It's a dog that hasn't accepted the human as the "leader of the pack" and that dog wouldn't live at my house.

  4. omg that was so funny!!!!

  5. You must say take a bath before no treats.

  6. OMG 71M VIEWS

  7. I didn't like 0:33

  8. ????????????????????????????????

  9. How did this get 71m views ????????

  10. Ritika Banerjee

    I loved it

  11. Ainsley O'Hagan


  12. Αλεξάνδρα Τουσούνη

    like 10 years old kids! (me)

  13. Ami-han “The Archer” Amiro

    1:06. LMAO

  14. paris patterson

    XD (i hate baths 2 cuz i like acting wolf )

  15. I'd just say " get in the bath and I'll give you a treat

  16. Olivia Knurowski

    3:57 oml I can't stop laughing

  17. Larissa Picccolo

    rsrs kkkk q legal

  18. my dog would hate it (Labrador and chow mix) but would hide in the bathtub when he was in trouble or scared

  19. I like your video's

  20. awesome videos , do more videos like this. so people like the videos

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