Funny Wake Up PRANK Compilation [NEW]

Funny Wake Up PRANK Compilation [NEW]

- in Funny Pranks



  1. The cymbal prank! Classic!

  2. Weak! My friend dragged my other friends mattress (with him wide awake) and slid the mattress down the stairs, after wards I sat on his face and farted on him.

  3. Adhiwira Pangestu

    03:46 hy girl

  4. Funny Videos World

    Sooo Nice and funny

  5. The House of Jokes

    This is a very good video. Keep up the good work and I look forwards to any new videos that you turn out.

  6. that was so funny

  7. christina “christybabe1795” awosina

    i had like the second with the woman waking up by a mask man lol mydad something like that to me but with alien mask n his green towel over his head n i saw that i don't know wat happen i totally freak out

  8. xaxaxaxa its so funny xaxaxaxa

  9. SamuraiPrank (サムライプランク)


  10. That's is funny????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  11. PiXeLaTeD MoRpH

    The one with the piano was my favorite! lol

  12. My personal favorite @1:03 LOOOOL IDK Why it is so much funny :3

  13. Rochelle Anne Romero

    it's so hard not to laugh!

  14. Jose VR Sebastian

    They were so evil to wake up people like that…but its so funny!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  15. The piano prank is hilarious XD

  16. He went back to the past, one day to wake himself up with water.

  17. 2:50 is fake

  18. Cool vids check up on out mine.

    This is the reason we watch pranks! look at at ours too.

    Below 400 subscribers to go till I arrive at 35 thousand a +1 can assist a lot! amazing SURPRISE!

  19. We did a similar prank on our channel but without waking up the person was awake and we threw a bunch of cold water and water balloons it would be nice if you can check it out

  20. Icy The Crazy Minion

    All of them are so Funny

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