Winning Lottery Ticket Prank – Funny Public Hood Pranks

Winning Lottery Ticket Prank – Funny Public Hood Pranks

- in Funny Pranks



  1. i just realized that Americans are thirsty for money

  2. Thanos apokapouallou

    Gridy people, obviously you donated that 1 dollar isn't yours anymore, how can you say that 10k is yours too! That could happen for real!

  3. Romualdo Carreon

    like the saying goes money is the ruler of all evil.

  4. miguelmoreno0182

    On the store it said 6660

  5. I would've been like

    Can I atleast have my dollar back

  6. 6660 omg

  7. Kokul Jeyakumar

    2nd guy looks like daquan

  8. Second guy was calm

  9. Rich or homeless to ask someone have money

  10. Rich or homeless

  11. 0:28 666 wtf😱😱

  12. the black is like dequean like if you agree

  13. The only reason they say wait is because they get jealous when he says 10 grand

  14. Kick there ass

  15. Just Everything Channel!


  16. Alex’s Epic Gaming

    Not really

  17. They are so ghetto

  18. Should be let them cash it so they could feel stupid😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  19. Plzzz do a part 2 make it the lotto this time

  20. 1:34 he looks like Daquan

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