ULTIMATE PRANK Vines Compilation  | Funny Vine Dumb Genius 2017

ULTIMATE PRANK Vines Compilation  | Funny Vine Dumb Genius 2017

- in Funny Pranks



  1. son, did your dad send you in here?
    No – my mom did
    oh..oh my…

    mom saf

  2. 12:46 if that grandma had 90 i visit saturn wtf.

  3. That‘s not cool

  4. ur mom is gaaaay

  5. Wth??? Some of them are sooo bad no like EVERY other one are soo badd man its nit even funny

  6. 1:16 is epic 😂

  7. insidious crayzie

    best part 12:29

  8. 7:32 – он даже сам в штаны наложил, от своего крика

  9. игрок поля

    Как таких пидоров земля носит

  10. king Drock[damon]

    1:40 niggas😂😂

  11. 1:00 are you fucking kidding me? no putting a mousetrap on a guys genitals is not a "prank". anything that causes serious harm to a person isnt a prank, its just plain assault. If the roles were reversed and he was clamping something painful on her tits the internet would go on a witch hunt.

  12. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  13. That guy should be arrested

  14. Никита Дьяконов

    1:52 оо

  15. 1:00 rip dicky

  16. 2:26 G E K O L O N I S E E R D

  17. God of เกรียน TV

    9:00 she so mad she want gift morn than help he


  19. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, i thought fake news was bad!
    this bullshit is way pass that!

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