Best Bodybuilder Pranks – Best of Just For Laughs Gags

Best Bodybuilder Pranks – Best of Just For Laughs Gags

- in Just For Laugh



  1. Chichi Chichi Oppai

    5:00 So why is he dressed like a little boy?!

  2. ‫بندر بن علي القحطاني‬‎

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته…
    كفو واصلو…
    جد وناسه..

  3. REYNALDO Pizarro Rosa

    En que país son estas bromas?

  4. These guys are more like fat powerlifters

  5. Hitman?

  6. Wonderful

  7. I think that's what you keep it up

  8. you left out the best one! the one with the incredible hulk!

  9. Body oil was not much entertaining. .


  10. Haha


    Very fun

  12. Ja jajajajaaa 

  13. how was the fat ballet man bodybuilding

  14. Pause at 4:23 hahahahahahahahahahahaahahah what is she doing…….. 

  15. Where is The Rock?

  16. see? thats a prank!!!/ douchebags who supposedly have "pranks" chanel when actually they are just going out to the streets and acting like assholes to other people is not pranking.

  17. me encantan sus obras no para de reir todo el tiempo…gracias

  18. Not Andrew Zimmern

    you at 2:11 those boobs are not faken holy shit unlike most girls these are not breast transplants those boobs are legit

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