Public Bomb Scare Prank! best of ALL TIME.

Public Bomb Scare Prank! best of ALL TIME.

- in Funny Pranks



  1. LongestAssNameOnTheWholeINTERNET Subscribe

    1:22 WTF

  2. Dont try in america your liable to get shot.

  3. Poor chicken

  4. 1:30😂😂😂

  5. This better be fake. If 203 is real i hope you faggots die

  6. 105 im crying

  7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂kkkkkkkkkfatima

  8. Funny as hell

  9. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. 😂😂😂

  11. Neden almanlar degilde araplar? Cunki araba silah versen hadi savas desen gider barbar oldugu icin sorgulamaz. Ustune bomba verirsin gider patlatir kendini…

  12. poor sheep

  13. Poor sheep! They follow anyone, they think you are the shepherd!!!!

  14. funny as hell

  15. Gamerdarrenpro Miller

    2:17 Omg 😂😂😂😂

  16. Δημήτρης Ζεκυριάς

    Cute sheep wana love

  17. جزائر ياما

    the muslims are not terrorist our relegion is of peaceful

  18. Friends Check Out Our Future Technology :

  19. And half of these people would've probably said earlier that they would put their lives in danger to save another person… Not a s easy as it looks, buddy.

  20. Monkeyman Da Beast

    2:30 was lit

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