Funny videos 2016 – funny videos 2016 funny vines try not to laugh challenge

Funny videos 2016 – funny videos 2016 funny vines try not to laugh challenge

- in Funny Pranks



  1. that guy who punched through his computer was so freaking funny.

  2. this was not funny at all….!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ryan Christopher

    fucking retard could have killed his buddy doing that back flip. That wasn't funny, that was ignorant.

  4. Vanessa Lee1212

    People do the stupidest things to hurt themselves

  5. best video ever

  6. Y U N G NoKoke

    Click baited as usual.

  7. Literally not funny. At all. Morons.

  8. 1:14 what's wrong got no balls

  9. why do people think pain is funny?

  10. William Carlsson

    världens sämsta vidio

  11. Emo BlackRose

    13:30 when u get butt f*cked

  12. Emo BlackRose

    10:46 when ur work place is awesome

  13. LaVida London

    all of this is cringe and hurtful

  14. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 why they are so stupid😂😂😂😂😂

  15. me and a freind did the same thing at 7:07 but with bouncy yoga balls!!

  16. that husky dog on bench was like a human in a suit, macabre man, creepy behavior ,scary

  17. Jānis Siksna

    i have pizza dudes

  18. I like turtles

  19. wolfsmaul-GER

    try not to say "ooooohhhh"

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