Public Bomb Scare Prank! best 10 minute.

Public Bomb Scare Prank! best 10 minute.

- in Funny Pranks



  1. wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkwwwwwwwwwkkkk

  2. every time i watch jalal s prank RUN !! Its always impossible to control laugh out loud 😂😂😂

  3. shaska ocelot

    Bali 2002 bombing. 0 muslims protest. -Madrid 2004 train bombing. 0 muslims protest – Paris attacks 2015. 0 muslims protest. – Bataclan massacre. 0 muslims protest. – Nice truck rampage massacre. 0 muslims protest. – Brussel airport bombing. 0 muslims protest. – Orlando club shooting massacre. 0 muslims protest. – Bangladesh restaurant massacre of Japanese and Italians. 0 muslims protest. – Bangladesh bloggers hacked to death for writing badly on the RELIGION OF PEACE. 0 muslims protest. -Theo Van gogh murder my islamist radical. 0 muslims protest. Charlie Hebdo massacre. 0 muslims protest. -Tunisia beach massacre. 0 muslims protest. – London bridge rampage massacre. 0 muslims protest. – Germany christmas market ruck rampage massacre. 0 muslims protest. -Russia train bombing. 0 muslims protest. -Canada parlement attack and soldiers runned over by isis supporters. 0 muslims protest. -South park creators death threats. 0 muslims protest. -Ayaan hirsi ali death threats for trying to IMPROVE women's rights. 0 muslims protest. – Saddham Hussein killing 180 000 kurds in the 80s and 90s including the worst chemical attack ever recorded (this is never mentioned in the arab world of course since he would look bad). 0 muslims protest. – Sydney cafe siege massacre. 0 muslims protest. – Turkey airport bombing. 0 muslims protest. -Speicer camp massacre june 2014, death of 1500+ Iraqi forces cadet killed by FELLOW muslims from isis. 0 muslims protest. Boko haram massacres all over Africa. 0 muslims protest. – Abu Sayaaf in Philipines beheading two Canadians hostages (a country that gave everything possible to muslims more than their own people). 0 muslims protest. – China train stabbing massacre. 0 muslims protest. -France priest killed by isis supporter. 0 muslims protest. Some Danish cartoons showing the prophet of the religion of PEACE. 800 000 muslims show up on the streets.DEATH TO EVERYONE WHO INSULT THE RELIGION OF PEACE.

  4. muslin not teroris fuck

  5. Moonlight Frost

    its not that funny

  6. they are some dat do this pranks just to let our religion down,I kindly request jalal and his mates to stop doing pranks with the Khamis outfits.scare people with scary
    faces nor the Sunnah dressing if Islam please

  7. The dog said fuck that nigga let's go hahah

  8. jalal is the best!

  9. It is not good!!!

  10. Kanor Kanbal

    Jalals Is better

  11. Plz subscribe

  12. Rachel Hollingdale

    Keep making more videos please, ignore these idiots comments. 🙂

  13. Michael Harrison


  14. it is funny ulla gad why

  15. oliver matarova


  16. you can this is fake the white clothing they are wearing is to,much clean

  17. this is fucking stupid thats not the way Isis works!

  18. halariois

  19. Hypez_ Snipez

    Omg at 6:00 how far down was that

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