75 Funniest pranks ever 2017 – Best Joke of all time ☺

75 Funniest pranks ever 2017 – Best Joke of all time ☺

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Comment your best Prank and share if you like my video 🙂
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  2. pinky the panda vlogs and more

    So here is the best prank I did before

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  3. The best prank I pulled was when I stuck gum under the doorknob of my brother's bedroom door, put soap under on the bathroom knob so when he went to wash his hands it would be too slippery to open, then finally submerged the kitchen soap in dirty water in the sink. The best prank ever pulled ON ME, was when on a friday in grade school the teacher said we would have lots of math homework because we needed to catch up. At the end of the day right before she was about to pass it out, she yelled APRIL FOOLS!

  4. EVIL!😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

  5. Subscribtion to gay porno mags delivered to work and a nice rainbow bumper sticker

  6. I downloaded an app that can sense motion. If you spin while holding it, it makes a really annoying sound that my family members hate. I downloaded the app on my sister's old phone, then strapped it to the Living Room ceiling fan and put it on full blast.

  7. My friend wanted to put a coin ander a tap and tape it because it will EXPLODE IN YOUR FACE

  8. Viktória Tamás

    if if☺☺

  9. la main de squeezie :D

    pk le titre est en français mais ya que des anglais dans les com >:O !!!

  10. My favorite number is 0163483632927
    I bet u didn't realize that I put a letter in there cause u didn't read it
    I bet u went back to check if there was a letter but there wasn't
    U just got pranked

  11. roses are red violets are blue i have 5 fingers the middle one is for you!

  12. Realistik Llama

    i pranked myself

  13. Mine was when my brother woke up and I was at the foot of the bed with my head cocked and me giggling. He says he will kill me if I do it again

  14. Sweet tea drawings

    put playing cards under the sheets of my brothers bed…in was summer.

  15. MY prank was when my family went somewhere and before my sister came I got her and my phone and it in my pocket and when she notice her phone was gone she was sad for the whole day until the next day I woke up early and put her phone under her pillow,she thought it was my little sister who did it XD

  16. surran wrap on door so when you open it you walk into it it gets in your face

  17. the best prank i ever done was when i pulled the chair before my friend sat on it

  18. I put a picture of a creepy clown in the window and scared the hell out of my friends and family

  19. When I was little I went to football and it was in a school so the students left stuff like shoes and leggings so I would make a person out of it and lock the door and wait for the screems to come from the toilet 😂😂😂😂

  20. I once put kool aid in the shower head to get my sister and she said it tasted good but burned her eyes

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