9 Dads Who Dominate At Parenting

9 Dads Who Dominate At Parenting

- in Funny Video



  1. IForgotHisName

    So that's what beards are for.

  2. is the third one using the vacuum cleaner? I'm done, lol

  3. WilliamTheFrog


  4. awwww I miss my dad😥 I wished he had a longer life..😥

  5. I love to see it when fathers are not afraid to kiss their sons!!
    Dads, you want confident children? Show them with hugs and kisses how much you love and cherish them.
    Talk to your children the way you wish your parents talked to you.
    Love them and raise them the way you wished you had been raised.
    Speak to your children with respect and they will respect you and others.
    Don't give them everything. They need the challenge to prove self sufficiency and competency to themselves at every age!
    Even the Trump children said their father did not just hand them money, they had to earn it!

  6. powerpuff ranger

    baby at 1:36 is soooo beautiful!!! 😍

  7. Michael Jackson

    1:23 That's an attractive man.

  8. the 1000 dislikes are feminist that hate men

  9. In the last one the baby was like oh yea this is a really good head scratcher. 😂😂😂

  10. MIA'S WORLD!!!! :D

    This makes me sad because my dad left me when I was 1 years old.

  11. its so cute he snaps his fingers and bam cute 0:19

  12. i love this one 😂😂😂😄😍😍😘 0:18 so cute and funny

  13. Kathy Tanksley

    I like how the 3rd dad used the vacuumed to get a perfect pony

  14. Nat Queen Cole

    Ok I kinda want a kid now but I see more videos of kids being a pain in the butt so…

  15. THE Hippo Potamaus

    Dad are great lol better than mom sometimes lol

  16. The last one is so cute. I like it!😁

  17. 2:52 LOL


    lol belly rubs

  19. at 1:58 the little kid is sooooooooo Savage

  20. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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