5th Harmony Funny Moments Crack Humor Pt:3

5th Harmony Funny Moments Crack Humor Pt:3

- in Humor Funny



  1. does someone know what song on 1:13????

  2. They usually say I look like shalisa.
    who is that?
    Me nigga!

  3. Yo whats the intro song??!

  4. guys where's 2:09 from?

  5. 0:32 That was so hot


  7. Oh god, the beggining

  8. that girl was so disrespectful to lauren 1:36

  9. Harmonizer Army

    Is it bad that I've watched this so many times i know the order of each clip? and what they say…word for word?

  10. the intro 
    i'm gay

  11. Music Video Games

    What song is from 0:35 to 0:40? I love it.

  12. that mean girls video 2:50… these videos are on fire.

  13. OMGGGGGGG CAMILA "the color of your eyes" SHES SO SWEET 

  14. because life is hard AF

    The intro thow 

  15. OMG can't believe Lauren said that 1:35 LOL! I would be so hurt lol

  16. Ditza Danae Longoria

    Song 0:18?

  17. Somebody tell me what Ally says in the minute 1:47 please…

  18. 00:35 just made my day ,pberty hit so hard tho

  19. 3:26 lol dinah doesn't like that normani!

  20. Why did Lauren stop to grind onto the chair in sugar mama like at 0:32??……that was soo hot*-*

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