🤪 Ultimate Pranks Gone Wrong Compilation (FUNNY PRANKS 2019)

🤪 Ultimate Pranks Gone Wrong Compilation (FUNNY PRANKS 2019)

- in Funny Pranks



  1. If you enjoyed this video then make sure you check out this one! https://youtu.be/EswHb6z6QnU

  2. Lol y'all don't understand pranks, it's not like someone gets hurt idiots

  3. Please try this in Franklin Louisiana. Pretty please


    Indian women at 8:30

  5. TRIZsTANDs GeGo


  6. TRIZsTANDs GeGo

    Can you please try this is Mexico??


    *gets shooted*

  7. I just want to see the guy pranking the people slowly die. Plus, where’s the “gone wrong” part huh?

  8. You should do girls more often

  9. Still waiting for where the prank went wrong…

  10. Survival Silly

    I hope these asshats get shot.

  11. You need to die

  12. I was waiting for someone to do the right thing and broke one of his ribs

  13. Fucking dumbass

  14. That little bastard sure can run

  15. Dinpuia Chhangte

    4:55 that dude was just taking a nap how can you be so cruel??this isnt a prank its a harassment…I cant wait to see a vid of someone beathing this ballon-throwing guy

  16. Af

  17. That kid is fast after😂

  18. 😂😂😂😂

  19. Org skrg gila benda mcm tu boleh ketawa sah gila betul

  20. So unreal

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