MOST Crazy Cats Annoying Babies, If You Laugh You Lose Challenge, Funny Cats Videos by Animals TV

MOST Crazy Cats Annoying Babies, If You Laugh You Lose Challenge, Funny Cats Videos by Animals TV

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  1. Watching these vids I think I've got it very lucky with my 1 year old daughter and two cats they know to stay away from each other ginger sits outside our room as if watching my daughter in his own way same with when she's in her play pen but won't go too close to her. I let hazels stroke fudge but she already knows not to be rough.

  2. Skrattar du, förlorardu

  3. for some reason, i feel so good watching cats bullying babies

  4. Machmoum Yassine

    I can t trust on cats or anay other animals because it can hurt the child….it s realy dangerous…i like cats but i alawys m afraide from them….perhaps i have foobiya but i i prefe to have foobiya than to have a massacre….

  5. Madison Heights

    Hey that’s not funny at all

  6. perso, ça me fais pas rire! et ils ne rigoleront plus quand leurs enfant se feront creuver les yeux par ces putin de chats!

  7. Who didn’t laugh??

  8. Aggressive Cat

  9. the parets of that child must be stupid, that cat could blind that child and they will blame the cat, its not the cats fault, teach the kid to play proper with the cat

  10. Sad.. and ignorant.

  11. Chrissie McCartney

    White trash everywhere. How the hell does a 2 year old have silver teeth?

  12. It's cute but I hate the way the cats just…BODY SLAM these babies

  13. hmm, it's funny

  14. This just seemed like a lot of bad parenting lol…

  15. Идиоты ребёнок плачет а они ржут, и снимают.

  16. What kind of parenting is this? They laugh at the cat biting babies or attacking them while babies are crying and these parents are laughing out loud 🤨

  17. So cute :):):):):):)

  18. The cats look at the children like food

  19. 💥👊Get it while it's hot!💥👊
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