Best Funny Scary Pranks 2016

Best Funny Scary Pranks 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Scum and filth gotta click bait for views sad

  2. The first one isn't a prank seriously get real pranks

  3. Nice use of clickbait. You're really passing with flying colors!!

  4. Clickbait!

  5. Lmao, 2016 when the date says: Oct 26, 2015

  6. Thumbnail bait

  7. Alejandro Ramirez

    jajaja buen video

  8. hmm!!!

  9. المقالب ممتعة راءءءءع

  10. Some are not pranks but Physical abuse!! go check out real PRANKS like ED BASSMASTER! You won't regret!!!

  11. Josue M Hernandez

    its not fuuny

  12. Josue M Hernandez


  13. ftfgtgt

  14. Scared

  15. these are terrible because these people are gay
    and nasty i hate gay people cause its just wrong

  16. Only 3 dogs drown in mud relax…

  17. what…,……..the heck

  18. That raptor shit was awesome

  19. Hussain Clashofclans

    love the mud prank

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