Tourettes Prank (GONE WILD) – Sex Pranks – Social Experiment – Funny Videos 2015 – Prank Gone Wrong

Tourettes Prank (GONE WILD) – Sex Pranks – Social Experiment – Funny Videos 2015 – Prank Gone Wrong

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Justin is ugly

  2. Catalina Aguirre

    loool I'm in this video!

  3. HilariousVideos

    lovely to see people make jokes about illnesses :)

  4. This is so damn offensive. Stop trying to cover your ass with your "people with Tourette's can get girls, too" and "we laugh about OUR pains to feel better about it" BULLSHIT. Like WHAT?!? If anything I feel WORSE about it! The way you portrayed the twitches was SO insulting, stereotypical, and tells me you've never met someone with Tourette's. And did you really scream "IM RETARDED" ultimate douchery right there. There's a big difference between funny and offensive. I hope this gets flagged. -sincerely, most Tourette's victims watching this "prank"

  5. Did you really get head lol? Be honest!! This video is awesome but I'm not buying the bj scene lol great job guys!

  6. Rappy goes gaming

    keyfork honestly you can be funny but making this image of people with tourettes is really offensive to a lot of people tourettes is a big deal. it's not about oh look i can score girls like this yayy.. if you want to help people with tourettes wich isn't the case as far as i see go up to bullies and face them so you can talk out that tourettes is a really big weight on your shoulders thanks to bullying and people just getting angry/annoyed at you because you do something you can't control. so please don't make these kind of offensive video's again.

  7. Valentina Kuzmanovic

    назив изгубивши

  8. Dude I have Tourette's you fucking cunt.

  9. I'm sorry but this is a bad portrayal of Tourettes

  10. Your mom must have dropped you on your head more then a few time KeyForkTV, you need a good slap to the face ya dummy !

  11. Autobots Roll Out! Lmao!

  12. "PENIS!" haha fuck yeah Kivork and Justin…our epic halloween prank will be up on my channel soon 🙂 -HolaOlha

  13. Had a blast filming this with you Kivork! Everyone needs to subscribe to LetsGetGirls to learn how to get pussy!! HAHAHHA!

  14. Do hood pranks

  15. KeyforkTV I Have Tourettes and you certainly Made me Feel Better About my Self! We certainly need to Laugh at our problems to Bring Light to it ***Bless your Heart

  16. Keep Making us Laugh, you are better then doctors!! Heal my Pain !

  17. Tourettes Prank is meant to Show Guys That it doesn't Matter who you are! You Too Can meet Women!!!!!! Comedy Comes From Pain, We Laugh at Pain So We can Feel Better About ourselves. For Example There was a Girl who was dieing from parkonsons she told me to write jokes on parkonsons, that way she can feel better about her problems. Please Share The Laughter To Make at least 2 People Happy/Laugh Today. -Mission to Spread Laughter!~ Have a Great Weekend, your friend, -Kivork

  18. They call me Ty (Idrdubstep)

    "Whats stopping you from getting girls!?"
    I'm ugly, duh.

  19. Guilherme Oliveira

    🙂 adoro seus videos

  20. 2:34 looks like ana golja from degrassi

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