Man Sells Bricks in the HOOD PRANK GONE WRONG! – Funny Pranks

Man Sells Bricks in the HOOD PRANK GONE WRONG! – Funny Pranks

- in Funny Pranks



  1. This us racist if u don't know

  2. michaelcapatterson

    fake ass shit!

  3. Bugatti McCauley

    I came for them to run off screaming "it's a prank"

  4. I'm black and i find this hilarious us blacks are so stupid we desvere everything thats happened to us

  5. missleading title..just to get some fookin hits.. fools

  6. Real Black guys would laugh at this…this feels staged

  7. those Jordans at 2:30 are dope

  8. im take this bricks and break your face zu gut dr typ :D

  9. so what part went wrong? misleading title

  10. Obviously staged prank is obvious

  11. White people do cocaine to… Why you gotta sell a "brick" to a black man

  12. pvtrichardsonbr

    im black and this is bullshit. first of all if this shit happened half the niggas i know would die laughing at this shit. secondly not every black person is interested in bricks….of any sort. im tired of blacks being the ass of all these damn pranks.

  13. Bukakke Tsunami

    Fake and Gay.

  14. ButterPeanutSandwich

    i don't get why they get so upset…? I get they thought it was something else but wtf don't get so mad

  15. Lol so fake

  16. Technically not wrong? Why are they upset for

  17. that is not a prank that is being a assholl

  18. ok so what did the black people mean by bricks ?

  19. as always .. stupid Fake

  20. These guys are like "YO YES VERY GANGSTA IMA KILL YU FOR NOT SELLIN ME BRIKX MAN" and the camera guy says "hey we are recording you for youtube if you kill us here you're going to jail" so the other guy is like "oh ok we are friends I was kidding anyway (awkward laugh)" Sorry, this is just what I got from the video.

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