Kids At The Zoo New Compilation 2016 – Funny Babies At The Zoo

Kids At The Zoo New Compilation 2016 – Funny Babies At The Zoo

- in Funny Video



  1. Never in my life will I let my kid(s) go to a zoo for entertainment of animals in captivity. It is wrong and very disturbing to see these animals treated in small habitats instead of large without their families or the actual wilderness. I understand zoos want conservation, but don't keep animals in captivity when it's not needed.

  2. Battlefield Fan Club

    kids wanna act like brats if that glass want there they would be running for their animal crackers

  3. This is just heartbreaking

  4. What the fuck

  5. It showed monkey sticking up the middle finger but it did not show that like wtf

  6. Wow, beautiful Nature.

  7. nigga angry

  8. 3:53 the dolphin was like "dafuk"

  9. 3:11 he was like"…boo"

  10. HybridreaverGaming (Cyand sanchez)

    every lion want's a human child or baby /??

  11. Show Me The Funny

    ahh i love this video an't stop watching it…hahahaha

  12. All dicks out

  13. I love the lion's and tigers! They are so adorable!

  14. Daily Motivation

    hAHA :))))

  15. omg

  16. Peeps, Wow naked It looks for me actually fun sesulw accuse .

  17. Fuck zoos. They should all be closed and the animals moved to open air ranches where they can be free.

  18. zoo

  19. skcery

  20. these lions just want to eat them

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