Funny Pranks 2015

Funny Pranks 2015

- in Funny Pranks



  1. αяiαиα G R A N D E

    Cool, we just came here for the thumbnail. Ok, ok, cool I'm fine with that..

  2. cool

  3. the boy said I can pee like this hahaha

  4. is thats Japanese Pranks ??

  5. Oh my Good

  6. 我想问问玩脱了怎么办

  7. wow nice

  8. :D

  9. Gostei eu mesma me assustei

  10. I do not like this…it could have someone have an heart attack

  11. Thank for this video so much, fore more funny pranks, pls click: #Top29FunniestPranks20155

  12. D: that big guy went on screen as those girls came off the monitors in the bathroom, my dick went from 100 to 50, T.T

  13. Not funny for American

  14. its very horirble prank!!!

  15. men japanese jokes are so weird

  16. Saibin Rene Figaro

    no apremiamos el conocimiento, nosotros castigamos la ignorancia. jajaja.

  17. what a bunch of assholes

  18. Does anyone know the blonde's name?

  19. try this in another country = punch in the face at least. 😀 scarepants

  20. try this in another country = punch in the face at least. 😀 scarepants

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