Funny and Cute Babies Dancing Compilation (2014)

Funny and Cute Babies Dancing Compilation (2014)

- in Funny Video



  1. That moment when the beat drops


  3. I love this video compilation. So cute.

  4. my dance skills divide on "I'm not drunk enought" and "I'm too much drunk"

  5. amr mote aisob na korle balo hoy

  6. Funny

  7. 0:50 my favorite song …. KISS YOU by 1D !

  8. Alex and the twin Vanessa

    the second one is cute

  9. From 1:161:28 that's not a baby. That's a grown as kid.

  10. The twins at 0:11 though.

    the way they look at eachother

  11. The Flaming Gamer

    Why does this have duslikee

  12. oogachooga oogachooga

  13. sweter😍

  14. awww

  15. the babies was like "can I dance to this song"

  16. suparb

  17. It's nice to see babies happy and not sad

  18. Jagdeep Sidhu Sidhu


  19. Ana Marjorie Tamiozzo

    2:16 music

  20. I just cant get any connection to babies.
    I have probably asperger syndroma, what closer people comes to me, that more i cant watch them in the pupil etc….

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