Best Public Toilets Pranks – Best of Just for Laughs Gags

Best Public Toilets Pranks – Best of Just for Laughs Gags

- in Laugh For Gags



  1. luana correa Silva


  2. òoooooooooooo💩

  3. Best candid camera on the World.Kiss from Serbia

  4. ‫ﺳﻣ̝̚ۆ آﻟﺷﯾﺧھَہّ‬‎



  6. My few thoughts.

    First off, to the producers of the show, please be assured that the foolish comments that some make about this not being funny, are completely unfounded.  Personally I find myself watching so many of these because they offer clean entertainment that give happiness to otherwise stressful days.  In stark contrast to other prank videos where the targets get super mad and begin to curse or want to fight, your participants seem to really enjoy what they were able to be a part of.  Your cast completely ROCKS!  I don't care if they have been at it for years and have a few gray hairs, they have made me laugh since day one and continue too.

    For the folks that are so negative about these video's, why bring your criticism here?  Your computer has a really neat feature that allows you to click "BACK" and not continue to watch.  Is it that your lives have such little merit that you can only find some semblance of recognition by trying to draw attention to yourself by means of rude remarks?

    That also applies to those of you who feel like you need to bring disgusting comments about your anatomy along with bad language to the thread. If you really enjoy trolling, you can and really should go to the Prank videos that a lot of these young guys do, where everyone is cursing each other out.  Not only will many of the other commenters enjoy conversing minus the ability to use just plain English but they will probably enjoy your lack of class as well.  Everybody wins!

    As for those few that tried to incite race issues by make extremely derogatory comments that only expose your limited mental capacity,  I feel for you.  For the one that asked why there are so many Blacks in Canada?  Well for one, they are awesome people that for the most part are very kind and cordial.  But if you did a little bit of reading (it is a thing that you can do to learn about things.  No it is not a game that you can play on Xbox) you would realize that during the days of slavery many Blacks fled to Canada because the Canadians understood the basic tenant that all varieties of humans are just, humans.  They perceive that there is no one born better or worse, just what they do with the life that they are afforded and if they are a positive or negative knot in the fabric of humanity.  Either you are a knot that binds or a knot that hinders!  And by your remarks, you rather forcibly land in the latter.

    Those are but my humble thoughts, though they be true.

    Oh, and all of your actresses are quite lovely but what is the name of that gorgeous creature at 1:25?  lol  Over the years, I have seen her in many of the videos but not as much these days.  Let her know, that if she ever wants to live in the States, I would be more than happy to as they say "Put ring on it".  lol  Given that she is as sweet as she seems to be. 😉   Ciao Bella

  7. dkdhxjzs

  8. Omg lol

  9. At 8:10 That's Me!

  10. haha

  11. aller c'est l'heure de la pause pipi…. :)

  12. Hayley Weinstein

    ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. For these guys of JFL, the sky is the limit. The best TV show ever.

  14. The girl one

  15. XD

  16. hh

  17. Lol

  18. I started watching back to school supplies hauls and I ended up here????

  19. Jaqueline Martinez


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